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Private Game Lodge Accommodation in Windhoek

Private Game Lodge listings with guest ratings, gradings and rates in Windhoek.
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Eden Chalets

Eden Chalets - 174375
“ADAMS EDEN” was bought in 1987 by the current owner, a nature lover setting out on a lifelong dream to establish a game farm and breeding facility for exotic parrots. He started populating the land with various game species, many of which will not be easily found elsewhere in the country. A variety of exotic parrot species from around the globe were introduced, and a parrot-breeding establishment was born that grew from strength to strength to become one of the largest in Namibia. More...
Location: Windhoek, Central Region
Distance from Windhoek Centre : 17.6km**
* Indicative pricing, pricing will be confirmed on booking
**The distances are measured as a straight-line and do not necessarily reflect the actual travelling distance.