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Country Hotel Accommodation in Bloemfontein

Country Hotel listings with guest ratings, gradings and rates in Bloemfontein.
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Mont d'Or Monte Bello Estate

Mont d'Or Monte Bello Estate - 187271
Mont d'Or Monte Bello Estate is on a historic old farm which enjoys a compelling sense of timeless beauty, typical of a bygone era when people had time for one another. The natural beauty and close proximity to Bloemfontein make Mont d'Or Monte Bello the perfect setting for functions and weddings. More...
TGCSA Grading: Tgsa Grading Tgsa Grading Tgsa Grading Tgsa Grading
Location: Bloemfontein, Free State
Distance from Bloemfontein Centre : 10.6km**
* Indicative pricing, pricing will be confirmed on booking
**The distances are measured as a straight-line and do not necessarily reflect the actual travelling distance.