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Montusi Mountain Lodge

Montusi Mountain Lodge - 217986
Space, comfort and peace are what you will find when you treat yourself to the natural splendour and peaceful, romantic ambiance of this Drakensberg haven, Montusi Mountain Lodge.
TGCSA Grading: Tgsa Grading Tgsa Grading Tgsa Grading Tgsa Grading
Reviews: (7)
Location: Bergville, Northern Drakensberg
Distance from Northern Drakensberg Centre : 8.7km**

Montusi Self-Catering Cottages

Montusi Self-Catering Cottages
Montusi is a spacious and quiet development in the Northern KwaZulu Natal Drakensberg near Royal Natal National Park. There are six privately owned self-catering cottages situated on the Montusi Estate (separate from Montusi Mountain Lodge).
Reviews: (2)
Location: Royal Natal Park, Northern Drakensberg
Distance from Northern Drakensberg Centre : 8.6km**


Thendele is situated in one of the most picturesque settings in the Royal Natal National Park in the Drakensberg with a view of the world famous amphitheater from every chalet.
Reviews: (3)
Location: Royal Natal Park, Northern Drakensberg
Distance from Northern Drakensberg Centre : 2.3km**
* Indicative pricing, pricing will be confirmed on booking
**The distances are measured as a straight-line and do not necessarily reflect the actual travelling distance.