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Game Lodge Accommodation in Timbavati Game Reserve

Game Lodge listings with guest ratings, gradings and rates in Timbavati Game Reserve.
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Baobab Ridge Greater Kruger

Baobab Ridge is a self catering and self drive Big 5 game lodge in Klaserie Private Nature Reserve - open to Kruger and Timbavati. Offering 6 air conditioned double Chalets with en suite bathrooms, lounge, kettle, fridge and terrace.
Location: Timbavati Game Reserve, Limpopo
Distance from Timbavati Game Reserve Centre : 13.2km**

Kambaku Lodge

Kambaku Safari Lodge - 218734
Accommodating 16 guests Kambaku Safari Lodge is an exclusive yet affordable lodge. Combining luxury, a high level of environmental consciousness, and tasteful decoration to blend in with the charm and serenity of the natural surroundings. This family-friendly lodge has a feeling of relaxed intimacy. More...
Location: Timbavati Game Reserve, Limpopo
Distance from Timbavati Game Reserve Centre : 7.7km**

Kambaku River Sands

Kambaku River Sands - 218649
Kambaku River Sands: River Sands is majestically positioned on the banks of a seasonal riverbed. Kambaku River Sands caters for only sixteen guests. Being unfenced Kambaku River Sands enjoys an entertaining steady stream of game both big and small throughout the camp. More...
TGCSA Grading: Tgsa Grading Tgsa Grading Tgsa Grading Tgsa Grading
Location: Timbavati Game Reserve, Limpopo
Distance from Timbavati Game Reserve Centre : 7.7km**

Simbavati River Lodge

Simbavati River Lodge
Simbavati River Lodge offers an exclusive and authentic African Big 5 Safari experience over an extensive tract of pristine wilderness in the Timbavati Private Nature Reserve, home to the famous white lions.
TGCSA Grading: Tgsa Grading Tgsa Grading Tgsa Grading Tgsa Grading
Location: Timbavati Game Reserve, Limpopo
Distance from Timbavati Game Reserve Centre : 36.4km**

Umlani Bushcamp

Umlani Bushcamp - 224119
Umlani Bushcamp, a rustic yet exclusive lodge, accommodates guests in cosy en-suite reed and thatch rondavels. Early morning and evening game drives are in open four-wheel drive vehicles accompanied by experienced rangers and trackers.
TGCSA Grading: Tgsa Grading Tgsa Grading Tgsa Grading
Location: Timbavati Game Reserve, Limpopo
Distance from Timbavati Game Reserve Centre : 11.6km**
* Indicative pricing, pricing will be confirmed on booking
**The distances are measured as a straight-line and do not necessarily reflect the actual travelling distance.