Near the Drakensberg escarpment and 210km east of Pretoria, Belfast is one of the coldest places in South Africa. The grassveld district is known for cattle, dairy and sheep farming. The wattle and bluegum plantations are the oldest in Mpumalanga.

The town also boasts a tulip nursery that attracts large numbers of visitors in spring. Coal, black granite, fire clay and kaolin are mined. Large deposits of chrome and iron are found in the area.

Many rivers and streams rise on this watershed. They are clear and cold and are renowned for their excellent trout (and bass) fishing conditions.

Belfast is the railway junction for a branch line through Dullstroom and Lydenburg to Steelpoort.


Berg en Dal Monument:
Anglo Boer war monument

Hiking Trails:
Bospoort two-day trail through lush landscape. There are also the Rapids Waterfall Trail and Komati River Lodge Ravine trail.

Tulip Nursery:
This is the largest in the country.

Trout Fishing:
Belfast is a prime trout fishing destination.

An archaeological site of the Ndzunda-Ndebele.
Belfast Belfast Belfast
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